Pranayam is the discipline of breath. The action of breath is in reality the process of life. It is a mode of breath restraint and comprised of the process of inhaling the breath (poorak), stopping it (kumbhak), and exhaling (rechak). The main object of pranayam is to acquire mastery of the vital forces acting within the body. It helps to ensure the arousal and liberation of the latent psychic energy in the organism. With the help of pranayam, we can transform cosmic energy into human energy, thus maintaining the equilibrium of the force within the body. It brings about a live transformation of consciousness in the entire arterial cycles, in the nerves. The energy to work is enhanced, even the fibers of knowledge are cleaned besides cure of all body ailments.

Pranayam exercises are excellent for relieving congestion, stimulating a torpid pancreas and bringing genuine improvement to all gastric complaints. These are able to affect the main systems of the body (nervous, endocrine, respiratory, circulatory and digestive) and ensure their harmonious and efficient functioning. Complete yogic breathing involves the abdomen, the middle part of the chest (thorax) and the upper part of the chest or collar bones (Clavicle).

The main techniques followed are :
Anulom Vilom or Nadi Sodhan Pranayam (Alternate breathing): This is one of the most important pranayams for establishing the equilibrium of the positive and negative currents bringing life to the body. It calms and purifies the nerves, helps stabilize the mind and increases the mental faculties . It helps cure certain serious types of headaches.
Ujjayi (Energy Renewing Pranayam) : This is ideal for those suffering from high blood pressure and coronary disorders. Low blood pressure is raised to a normal level, the endocrine glands (Specially the thyroid) are greatly stimulated. Digestive and pulmonary complications (e.g. indigestion, coughing, etc.) may be avoided by the practice of this exercise.

Kapalbhati (Breathing that revitalizes the body) : It is a respiratory exercise (exhalation) for abdomen and diaphram. It eliminates a large quantity of toxins contained in the body and clears nasal cavities and lungs. The exercise brings relief from asthma and tones up the body.
Bhastrika (belows) : It is a combination of Kapalbhati and Uijjayi and spreads warmth all over the body. It regenerates liver, spleen, pancreas and fortifies abdominal muscles.
Similarly, Surya Bedi to revitalize the nervous system, Sitali to refresh and other techniques are followed by ending into Shavasan (complete relaxation) for about 10 minutes to revitalize the whole body.

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